We all love to go out and play in the snow. It's a lot of fun, except when trying to travel to work, of course. But there are some essential tips for making sure that pets are comfortable and safe in the cold weather - check out this link over at zootoo for some pointers. Basically most of winter pet care is commion sense - for instance if you take the dog for a walk on a really cold day, the dog is likely to get just as fed up of being freezing as you are after a while. Even if your dog is sporting a smart winter jacket :)
There are also indoor tips as well, such as making sure that you keep birdcages away from draughty areas of the house, and securing fireplaces etc to keep pets at a safe distance.
The cold snap is forecast to start end soon though, so hopefully we will all, humans and animals alike, be back to the more typical milder UK winter weather in a few days.
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